The Flip is a music label founded in metro Atlanta, GA. The organization prides itself on the creative musical content that is produced under the label. The Flip organization conducts business throughout the world and wants to make sure members in the organization who are dedicated to the business code are recognized, rewarded, and incentivized. The Flip organization has now decided to create private level memberships to individuals that have earned their way through hard work, loyalty or has contributed a significant financial investment to the organization. This membership is the platinum level membership. Members who own this membership are entitled to access all events, all VIP experiences, Primary Voting Rights over any membership level, Discounts on The Flip
merchandise and Products, Opportunities to voice their opinions in Meetings, Exclusive access to listening events, and access to club venues that are contracted to honor the Platinum Level Membership.

Put on sale on almost 2 years ago
by @The real creator!

Minted almost 2 years ago
by @The real creator!